The Carbon Hub's commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an opportunity to fundamentally strengthen organizational strategies while striking a balance between economic, environmental, and social imperatives throughout the supply chain. The Carbon Hub's foundation is built on values of sustainability, prosperity, and equitable standards of living, guiding its actions through alignment with environmental, social, and good governance practices.
Our mission and activities are aligned with several of the Sustainability Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015.

The Carbon Hub enables the development of economically viable and environmentally sustainable pathways for valuable hydrocarbon resources and clean energy generation, therefore providing universal reliable access to energy.
The Carbon Hub will enhance the international cooperation and lead to a substantially increased share of renewable hydrogen energy from bio-methane in the global energy mix by enabling and facilitating scientific advances in clean energy research, and by promoting investment in energy infrastructure and emission-free energy technology deployment.

To accelerate the transition to sustainable energy, the Carbon Hub will lead the way to a more efficient emission-free use of available resources through constant technological progress and innovation. Advanced carbon materials will help pave the way for the sustainable and economically-viable use of hydrocarbon resources.
The Carbon Hub's research will help advance quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure that supports economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.

The Carbon Hub supports sustainable consumption and production by researching and promoting resource and energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure that will provide access to basic services, decent jobs, and a better quality of life.
By embracing systems-level thinking, the Carbon Hub can help achieve the environmentally-sound management of hydrocarbons throughout their life cycle and significantly reduce their release to air, water, and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.

The Carbon Hub's goal of re-purposing the world's supply of hydrocarbons as feedstock significantly impacts three of the fundamental problems arising from the necessity to drastically cut CO2 emissions to fight climate change.
By creating value and supply chains for large scale use of carbon materials with concurrent generation of CO2-free hydrogen, the Carbon Hub will create a new source of clean energy beyond solar and wind.
By displacing metals with carbon-based materials, the Carbon Hub will decarbonize the hardest to abate sector of all: the industrial sector.
By providing lightweight solutions for structural and electrical components in transportation systems, the Carbon Hub will improve the energy efficiency of the transportation sector.

To meet global climate targets requires unprecedented collaboration between all societal actors.
To ensure a successful sustainable development agenda, the Carbon Hub is creating partnerships with the private sector, academia, the government, and the civil society. These inclusive partnerships built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals that place people and the planet at the center, are needed at the global, regional, national, and local level.