A solid science basis is needed to develop highly efficient routes for the synthesis of promising forms of solid carbon with the concurrent generation of H2. However, such synthesis advances will not be sufficient: the whole value, manufacturing, and supply chains must be developed for these carbon materials, from the conversion into macroscopic articles to the incorporation of such articles into applications. In parallel, material grades must be standardized, a new workforce must be developed, and health and environmental standards must be established for materials, processes, and product use of life cycles.
The success of the Carbon Hub depends upon the comprehensive articulation and integration of 4 key activity areas: the Bottega, Piazza, Foro, and Scuola.
The PIAZZA is the community-building arm.
The mission of the Piazza is to inform, coordinate, and draw in a scientific and engineering community interested in furthering this class of technological solutions.
The SCUOLA is the educational and workforce development arm.
It provides the educational framework to inform the public on the new materials and applications, while focusing on workforce development aligned with the new applications developed with the Bottega.
The FORO is the policy arm.
The Foro assesses projected economic and societal impacts of development and deployment of carbon materials and hydrogen, including performing lifecycle analysis, techno-economic analysis, and end of life studies. The mission of the Foro is to ensure that technology development, societal needs, and perception remain in sync.
The BOTTEGA is the research arm.
The Bottega is where science and technology problems are investigated to enable the co-production of hydrogen and advanced carbon materials from hydrocarbons.